What are the costs of donating a property?

This depends, among other things, on the value of the property in conjunction with the tax allowances. Consultation with a tax advisor or accountant with corresponding costs is advisable.

In any case, there are notary and land registry costs, which currently amount to up to 2% of the market value of the property. In order to determine the market value, valuation costs may also be incurred. A well-founded determination of the market value is very often advisable in order to present the gift value to the tax office without any doubt.

RIEDEL Immobilien, in cooperation with tax consultants and notaries, offers a comprehensive service in this respect, in that an in-house, recognised expert (certified DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024) can prepare market value appraisals in accordance with § 194 BauGB.

Ralf Heidemann
Ralf Heidemann
Authorized signatory and shareholder
Dipl.-Kaufmann / Dipl.-Sachverständiger (DIA) Member of the Board IVD Süd e.V.
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